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Margaret McLarty

Margaret is a Scottish singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.


"A Little Light", her home spun 2020 Christmas single, is available for stream and download now.


Margaret released her debut album "Brigid's Birds" in 2017 with the support of a Kickstarter project. A collection of songs that draw inspiration from a landscape of people and places from Glasgow to the island of Iona to a Zambian church and back again. 


Joined by Hinba bandmates Jane Bentley and Tom Sissions, recorded by Angus Lyon at Gran's House Studio and with stunning artwork by Raine Clarke it has been called "a tiny feathery masterpiece", "full of warmth and feeling", the songs "wistful and poignant".


She works for the children's charity Fischy Music and can be heard regularly on recordings by The Wild Goose Collective.


She makes up the folk trio 'Siskin Green'
with Suzanne Butler and Jane Bentley.


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© 2020 Margaret McLarty; artwork © Raine Clarke; photo © Sandy Butler

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